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Access Bars is a revolutionary energy healing technique designed to promote mental clarity, emotional well-being, and overall relaxation. Developed by Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, this practice involves gently touching 32 points on the head, which correspond to different areas of life and aspects of consciousness. How Does It Work? During an Access Bars session, a practitioner lightly touches these points,

Reiki - Harnessing the Power of Life Force Energy Reiki, an ancient Japanese healing method, taps into the life force energy (or chi) to promote well-being. During a Reiki session, the practitioner channels this energy through their hands into the recipient's body and energy field. 1. Energy Infusion: Reiki practitioners employ specialized techniques to focus and direct life force energy towards the

Are you seeking a profound shift in your life? Consider embarking on a journey of transformational healing through the Metamorphic Technique. This unique approach can empower you to: Transform Relationship Patterns: Break free from repetitive relationship dynamics. Manage Stress Differently: Develop healthier responses to life's challenges. Embrace Positive Change: Take steps towards a brighter future. Release Old Habits and Beliefs: Shed limitations that no

Welcome to Estelle, an essential and a must-have for everyone in the fashion industry.
